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Measuring & managing FLAG emissions
Measuring & managing FLAG emissions

How to use Latis to measure, manage, and report on FLAG emissions.

Written by Erin Taner
Updated over a week ago

Preparing for FLAG Reporting & Reduction

Latis is a GHG Protocol-aligned platform which includes the new Land Sector and Removals Guidance. You can use Latis to establish your baseline and then continue to measure and track FLAG emissions with the rigor and granularity that SBTi is expecting. Calculating your baseline does not require any primary data, which means that the data related to FLAG emissions you see in Latis today is sufficient and compliant with FLAG guidance. Check out this article to learn more about FLAG Guidance and its requirements. Get in touch with your Customer Success Manager if you are interested in rebaselining.


A key component of the new LSR guidance is the ability to report on FLAG targets separately from other corporate emissions. Latis breaks out emissions from land management, land use changes, and removals in accordance with the guidelines.

In Latis, you can see a breakdown of your GHG emissions by:

FLAG Category

Land Management

Land Use Change

Carbon Removals

HowGood Metric

Carbon Footprint (Cradle-to-farm gate)

Carbon Footprint

(Land Use Change)

Carbon Footprint

(Carbon Removals)


Measures on-farm emissions associated with the agricultural production of an ingredient.

Measures emissions associated with the conversion of land for agricultural purposes based on regional land conversion (sLUC)

Measures emissions removed from the atmosphere and stored through climate-positive land management practices.

FLAG-compliant Data Requirements



Primary data required

Users have access to total FLAG emissions across their portfolio as well as the FLAG emissions associated with individual products and materials.

On any of your workspace pages or the portfolio impact page, you can select FLAG emissions as column options

On the formula profile page, you will see FLAG emissions associated with your formula as metrics in the Carbon tab (see favorited tiles below).

You can also see how emissions related to Land Use Change contribute to the overall carbon life cycle of your product.


HowGood’s Scope 3 Report aggregates total FLAG emissions and separates them out as line items on the Scope 3 report, in compliance with GHG Protocol's LSR reporting requirements. The Scope 3 report is automatically generated and directly exportable from Latis. See how to export a Scope 3 Report. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you do not have access to the Scope 3 reporting page in Latis.


Measuring and reporting is only the first step. Companies that set FLAG targets will need to find a continuous path to reduction.

Soon, you will be able to set your long and near-term FLAG targets in Latis and forecast reduction scenarios in order to determine strategic incremental targets.

On the Portfolio page, you can also set workspace and product-level goals in order to make your FLAG target more actionable. Goals can then be assigned to individual team members so that they can start exploring reduction opportunities and determining next steps toward achieving the goal.


You can easily sort your portfolio and workspaces to identify products and materials with the highest FLAG emissions. This helps you prioritize resources toward reduction efforts that will contribute most significantly to your target.


Soon, you will be able to use the FLAG dashboard to track progress at the product, workspace, and portfolio level.

Stay tuned for more!

  • FLAG management dashboard

  • FLAG target setting

  • Forecasting & progress tracking

  • Annual FLAG emissions

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