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What is the nutritional quality of this product?

Jemima Snow avatar
Written by Jemima Snow
Updated over a week ago

What is Nutri-Score?

The Nutri-Score is a European scoring system that awards grades to food products on a color-coded scale of A to E and is designed to convey nutritional value at a glance.

Food products that receive an A grade are considered more healthful and are typically high in fiber, vegetables, fruits, and/or protein. Food products that are high in saturated fats, sugar, and/or salt are more likely to score an E and are considered less healthful.

Both favorable and unfavorable nutrients are assigned point values, and the difference is taken. The total number of resulting points then fall into the following grading system:

How does Nutri-Score relate to agriculture, product development, and the food system?

An increasing number of consumers are demanding transparency when it comes to their food products, especially regarding healthfulness. The Nutri-Score provides this information in a highly accessible format, which easily allows consumers to make better-informed purchasing decisions and prioritize products that score well for nutritional quality.

What are the biggest contributors to an unfavorable Nutri-Score impact?

High amounts of total energy, total sugars, saturated fats, and sodium score poorly. All of these factors contribute to what NutriScore categorizes as inferior nutritional value.

How do we measure Nutri-Score impact?

The Nutri-Score is calculated by measuring the amount of calories, saturated fats, total sugars, protein, sodium, percent vegetables and fruits, and fiber per 100g of a food product.

Actual values, shown in black, represent reported amounts for the final recipe (labeling values).

Projected values, shown in green (below), represent estimated total amounts for the final recipe, based on theoretical values of individual ingredients. These are a sum of the reported amounts for individual ingredients but exclude any effects of processing or fortification which can affect actual totals.

If a product formula's overall nutritional values are projected rather than actual, the NutriScore will appear in black and white (above). This may occur while either innovating a formula or if the nutritional values are calculated based on ingredient-level data.

Key Data Sources

How can you make a difference as a product developer?

  1. Consider eliminating or finding alternatives for ingredients that are high in sugar, saturated fats, and sodium.

  2. When possible, substitute unfavorable ingredients with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts, and rapeseed, walnuts, and olive oils. These are ingredients that NutriScore considers favorable and that contribute to better nutritional value.

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